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These Standard Suture Practice Kit is highly recommended for Medical and Dental Students for wound stitching/suturing practice. Learning to repair wounds and surgery incisions requires patience, dexterity and lots of practice. While suturing a wound on a bleeding patient, you want to feel confident and prepared. Trust yourself to give your patients the best possible care they need and deserve. For doctors and medical students who want to practice with the best tools available. The result is a hygienic, portable, and easy-to-use pad which lets you practice suturing anywhere. The material is designed to mimic human flesh with 3 layers imitating the skin, fat, and muscle layer. This Standard Suturing Pad offers 13 wounds to choose from in varying depths and sizes. It includes surgical incisions and more accidental seeming cuts.


4.490,00₹ Standardpreis
    • Learning to repair wounds and surgery incisions requires patience, dexterity, and lots of practice. While suturing a wound on a bleeding patient, you want to feel confident and prepared.
    • Trust yourself to give your patients the best possible care they need and deserve. For doctors and medical students who want to practice with the best tools available,

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